We had talked about it at work for weeks and I kept forgetting to sign up. I usually delete emails at work that don't seem to have direct relevance. This was no different. But, The Reservist loves to run so she read the email. She convinced us that we needed to run the Glow in the Park 5K. It was cheap ... $10 registration. The run was to take place at Fort Sam Houston and raised funds for the 522 FSS (Fort Support Squadron for those of you who don't speak acronym). As it was on post, it was really geared towards military families. I had promised to go, so ... as much as I wasn't feeling it that day ... I agreed. It was supposed to rain, UGH!!!
I texted MacMama and she and BabyMac were going. The Reservist was traveling the next morning and cancelled. I have to hold it against her in the future. I dressed in
INKnBURN Radioactive Skeleton. I figured it was the closest to glowy that I have. I didn't even think to bring my LED lights. I use them for practical purposes, so they didn't seem like "party" pieces. After parking, I found my way to registration, paid my fee, picked up my shirt and a few glow sticks to make a necklace.
While waiting to register, MacMama found me. There were tons of families, children, young troops, and pets all decked out in glowing gear. I had a lot of people ask me where they could find my kit, so I directed them to
INKnBURN's website. I love how even in a crowd of people dressed up, I still get attention in these kits. There was a huge party atmosphere. Live music. Food Trucks. Hula Hoop Competitions. The energy was amazing.

There wasn't any real seeding to the race. But, with the huge turnout, they did limit each start "corral" to 250 runners and we took off in 3 minute intervals. MacMama is on injured reserve just like me and she is a walker these days. It didn't make sense to try to run. it was crowded and I was there to hang with my friends. So, we walked. I forgot to turn on Trusty Garmin for a bit, so it looks short. There were fun glow stations along the course with a variety of inflatable glowing things. There were decked out strollers and dogs with decked out collars and leashes.
After our walk, the party was still going on, but I was planning an early morning and the temps were dropping. We said our good-byes and called it a night. It was a fun event for the troops and I'm glad I joined in.
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