Wantable has 5 subscriptions: an Accessory box (I am not a good accessorizor), their Intimate box, Make-up box and their Fitness wear and Style box (try on at home and keep what you want). For the Accessory, Intimate, and Make-up, the cost is $40 the first month and then a 10% discount subsequent months if you keep everything. You can return individual items, though, so it's not a keep all or none sort of thing. When you sign up, you set up a style profile an select things you love, like, and dislike. They will never send something you dislike. Each box is selected for you, so my box will be different from everyone else's box. And, you can return if you want. That's a bonus most boxes don't allow. I chose the Intimates box. Assortment of undergarments, socks, loungewear, etc. Should be 3-4 items per box depending on value of items.

I do love pajamas, so I was sent Pajama Drama Tank wth Lace Trim, Grey. I am always good for a pajama/lounge piece and this will go well with some pants I received in another box a month or so ago.This is really soft and comfortable. Can't go wrong with a tank in my book.Retail $21, My price to keep $13.12
And, I still love pajamas. so the box also included Dreamwave Pajama Drama Ruffle Trim Short and Tank. I saw this in another review and the reviewer thought the cute little side ruffles would be annoying. I don't think so. I think the ruffle is cute and it doesn't bother me at all. I am glad to have short pajamas for the hot, sticky summer months ahead. Retail $14.00 X2, My price to keep $8.75 X2

My verdict? I admit I was on the fence about the box at first. Could I really justify $40 ($36 if I keep everything from the month before) for intimates that I don't really "need." But, I've been pleased and will keep going. Yep, I think it's worth it. The value of this shipment was $64 and I paid $36.