I Don't Hate Running
There, I said it. I can't say "I love running" or even "I like running," but I don't hate it anymore. A big part of why I don't hate it is that I have found some amazing people to run with. Even if I don't run with my training group, I know they are out there and I don't hate it anymore.

This weekend was my last chance for a long run with my training group from
iRun. We were supposed to do a long slow distance of 10 miles, but I wanted to do the
RioSA Half Marathon in San Antonio. There were lots of reasons to do this as my LSD ... It's the inaugural race and it was going through beautiful parts of the city ... Pearl, Zoo, Witte and Children's Museums, Brackenridge Park, Tobin Center, River Walk ... flat ... pancakes at the finish ... swag ... I do like the organization that puts on this race ... and
Alamo 13.1,
Cocoa Women's Half and the new
Missions Half. They are well organized, low key, fun themes, good swag, fun finish parties, and free photos. So, several of my friends from the running group decided to come out and run with me as a "send off" of sorts. Powerbroker and I did the half marathon distance and the others did either 5K or 10K. This was the longest, by 5K that either Powerbroker or I have done in a really long time and her first half since a medical setback. Glad we could do it together.

So, we all signed up in the final week. On Saturday, I picked up my swag and bib and Powerbroker picked up everyone else's bibs. Sunday morning, Powerbroker and I drove to the Pearl and met the rest of our group. Took a photo and then the usual ... chatter anxiously. The men in the group decided that we women are too embarrassing to be around and headed off their own directions. Walked to the start area. Prayers were said. I love the way the organization does the National Anthem ... all the participants sing. A little costume contest for the Pajama 5K and 10K and then we were off in one large group. We decided ahead of time that we were each going to run our own race and that's what we did. It was supposed to be a LSD, but sometimes, with a crowd, it's hard to keep it slow... well ... I'm slow, but that's different. The run was beautiful and the people were friendly. There were water stops it seems everywhere. Never a shortage, but I carry my own, so it doesn't affect me. Still nice to see. Mile 1 flew by and so did mile 2. This was going to be fun. About a mile and a half and there was the turn-off for the 5K. My usual thought ... "I could turn there" ... popped into my head. A few miles later and we were running past the finish line for the 5K ... and I SMELL PANCAKES!!! MUST RUN FASTER!!!!

The crowd thinned a bit here and we were spread out further. Shortly after we passed the 5K finish, I got this text. Helen finished her FIRST RACE EVER!!! and Cheryl finished her second 5K mere weeks after major surgery. These ladies ROCK!!! I adore their finish photo. Look familiar? They did that pose just for me. I love these ladies!!!

The 10K point was around a track which was pretty awesome. Of course, by the time I got to the track, I wasn't feeling in the mood for a 400m sprint, and we didn't do it. It was a good split though and Powerbroker and I were feeling pretty good still. We were keeping our 5/1 run/walk interval to keep the LSD and to keep energy for later. About this point, both of us felt the need for snack ... beans for her, Gu chomps for me. Vegan, you know? Seriously!!! Got our energy back and kept moving forward. Along the Riverwalk ... always beautiful ... up and around the Tobin center. WOW!!!

Around mile 7, we started our bizarre distance calculations ... four miles and we're almost done, 'cause only 2 miles after that. At the 9-mile ... one more mile and it's "just a 5k." About here Powerbroker made me snort ... bluetooth in, cute policeman ahead ... I was too tired to notice, at first ... and very loud ... "hot guy alert." I turned around and said "OH." Beautiful man smiled ear to ear. The following conversation got us to mile 10 when we were tired again. This is the longest we've gone in a year ... I had 2 Gu in my pocket ... Shared my favorite, salted caramel, with Powerbroker and had Expresso Love myself. She got more energy out of the deal than I did. About a mile and a half out, I was cooked.

One of the Speed Demons in our running group came back to run us in. I tried, I really did, but I NEEDED my walk breaks. Powerbroker always gets barn happy towards the finish, I just want it OVER RIGHT NOW!!! In the final half mile (but I couldn't see the finish, so I wasn't sure I had enough energy to pull it off), I took my final walk break. Speed Demon and Powerbroker kept encouraging me to keep up the run. I kept saying "I need my walk break." I told the Musician about it later, he said "Oh, you're a Union Runner." OK ... that was funny, you gotta' give him creds.
Powerbroker waited in the finisher chute ... jumping up and down like she had to pee ... and we finished together. AND, IT WAS MY PR!!! BY 3 minutes. If I hadn't taken those last two walk breaks, maybe even another 30 seconds faster.
Took our finish photo. Found those pancakes. Blanca received her first San Antonio medal since moving here from Miami. Julie just started running 3 months ago and decided to crush out her second race (first was color run) on a 10K.

This is an aside and I get nothing for the plug. But, I have to admit, I sort of like getting attention at races. I'm never going to see a podium and so attention for my outfits feeds my ego. I ALWAYS get a lot of attention when I wear my
InkNBurn gear. Today was no exception. I had TONS of compliments ... doesn't it make me look buff? ... and TONS of people tell me "I HAVE TO GET THAT." It's not just that they have really lovely and cute outfits, but they are also super comfortable. It was a bit warm for the tights, but the capris and tights and skirts are really soft and comfortable. The shirts fit just right. People who wear
InkNBurn always recognize each other and give shout-outs and high-fives ... like a little club. But, if you like the muscles, I told lots of people they have to
order NOW ... limited edition and limited quantities made for Halloween.