So ... what is StitchFix? It's a great service for people like me. I have no fashion sense. I wear a uniform to work, so I don't have to figure anything out. If I'm not in a uniform, I'm in scrubs. Comfort is important. I have lots and lots of jeans and t-shirts. Even then, I get lost trying to figure out how to put things together. And, I get really confused in a store. With no fashion sense, I get really confused shopping. It's just overwhelming. How do I know if it looks good? There are so many colors and styles to choose from? If I have a hard time choosing I do one of two things. Buy everything and then have no idea what to do with it, or get frustrated and leave empty handed. Also, fortunately for me, they include a styling card to help with ideas on how to put together your items into outfits. I need that because I am usually jeans, top, shoes ... and that's it. Also, I get a note from my stylist telling me why she picked out these things for me. I like the personal touch.
StitchFix works with a handful of stylists who pick things for me. Once you sign up on-line, you fill out a style profile. It has lots of information including coloring and sizing, but also your personal style and preferences, and even what you consider a reasonable price to pay for certain types of clothing items. You pay a $20 styling fee and your stylist selects 5 items to send you. You pick your delivery date and voila ... you have a package delivered and you go shopping. After trying everything on, you select what you want to keep and send back the rest in a provided envelope. Shipping is free both ways. Then, go back on-line and check-out. I try to give feedback about what I liked, or didn't, about items in the fix and the way they fit. This information is used to further tweak your next fix. You can do a monthly auto-delivery, or just schedule when you want. If you keep all 5 items, you get a 25% discount off the entire order. And, of course, the $20 fee is also applied to your order.
So .... on to my most recent fix. I haven't fixed in a few months, so this was a winter fix for sure.

So ... I haven't kept my receipt and kept everything. I can't tell you ... this time ... the price on every item and my total came to about $267. I would have to look at my credit card again to be certain. I really liked this fix. I can't say I was completely blown away, but I also have nothing to complain about and will wear everything. It was a very comfortable fix.
That is one thing I wish were different ... I would love it if my account page would show my past fixes with the items (at least the ones I kept) and their pricing. But, I suppose that's a pretty minor issue in my mind. If you want to try it out, please consider using my link. I'll probably get my next fix for my birthday ... who knows, maybe sooner.