MacMama likes to find a good 5K to walk about every weekend. So, we were talking about events and she mentioned Run this Mother 5K on Mother's Day. I thought it sounded like a good idea, but I did have some trepidation because my last trail run at Eisenhower Park was lots of boulders and roots and I'm clumsy. I mentioned it to PowerBroker and she decided to do it also. None of us pre-registered. Sunday morning I picked up PowerBroker and Speedy Son and we headed to the park to register. We arrived early and they were still setting everything up, which was a surprise. We found the registration desk and signed up. Cash only. And women only, so Speedy Son couldn't actually run the race. We were given our shirts and we did a little shopping.
MacMama arrived and we hung out at the start line for awhile. It was nice to have vendors to keep us occupied, and it is a really pretty park. I was happy to have the chance to finally wear my
INKnBURN Lace. For some reason, it felt right for a women's event. I have been recovering from the hip issues, so I wasn't sure how much I would run or walk. I knew MacMama would be walking. PowerBroker said she would stick with me no matter what even though her pace is much much faster these days. Her story is hers, but I have to tell you just how incredibly strong she is.

The race just didn't "feel" like a "race" and seemed a little disorganized, but it's small and local and that's a good thing. Eventually we started our run. The course kept us on a paved trail. It was pretty narrow, so a bit crowded at the beginning. But there were women of all sizes and paces so it eventually thinned out. The course took us up a nice hill and around a loop. We passed a water station and the 1-mile marker. I don't know why when we were coming back around the loop and down the hill that I thought that was 2 miles ... it wasn't. PowerBroker and I were on my run-walk-run pacing and MacMama was walking so we caught site of her on the out-n-back section. She looked happy. I felt hot. PowerBroker always pushes me just a little. She holds back for me and I try harder for her. We make a good match. When we got back to near the start ... we turned right instead of left ... away from the finish line. There was another section that looped up and around and back to the finish.

I admit ... it feels silly to me getting a flower at the finish line. But, maybe that's because I don't get flowers for Mother's Day. It was pretty we also got a medal. I won't complain. We found Speedy Son. He started the run before the official run with the plan to run the 5K. He got lost and ran about 5 miles. Still, beat us back.

We hung around and took a few fun pictures. Of course, our victory finish pic had to be done. We picked up the jewelry we bought and headed to the car.
MacMama was shortly behind us, so we got to get in one final picture of our finish. All in all, it was a good day. The race was small, local, relaxed. Sure, I would do it again. Even with the mile 1 hill.
Victorious ... sort of |
I always jump for joy in INKnBURN |
I have to take pictures of flowers when they look this pretty
There were some complaints about the course being measured short. I am not going to complain, it makes my finishing time look all that much better. |