Yes, I met Tigger on-line as a fellow INKnBURNer. We are similar sizes, so we had competed to purchase some similar items. We struck up conversations. I've been lucky enough to meet her in person before, so I feel she is more than an on-line friend, but a real life true friend. Even though most of our interactions are on-line, I feel like I can trust her and I feel like we are real friends.
Thursday, the Musician and I boarded our flight. Direct to LAX.
Picked up rental car and drove to the hotel. On the drive, we actually saw the fireworks from Disneyland. Unfortunately, I had no luck at pictures of the amazing display.
OK ... I started to get really really excited. We settled in and checked out Happy Cow for nearby dining vegan options. And we found it. Vegan Pizza ... yes, that's the name of the restaurant and the food we ate. It was spectacular.
We struck up a conversation with a fun young couple who gave us other vegan dining options for the weekend. We also took home dessert. Vegan cheesecake. I was in Heaven. Cheesecake is one of the few things I've actually missed since going plant-based. After dinner, we headed to Will Rogers Airport and picked up Tigger and her dad. So, something weird. Tigger is my friend. So, I usually call my friend's parent's "Mr. or Mrs." Such a weird thing that Mr. Tigger-Dad is only 3 years older than I am. I can be her mother. Yikes. I don't feel old enough to be a parent to Tigger. Especially since she is so wise for her years and I learn wisdom and grace from her. She is an amazing example.
Friday morning was a big morning. We had breakfast at the hotel. Sorority Girl had come out for the week with her family. Husband was working. Child had some good Disneyland time. She was gonna race. But, guess what is close?!?!?! INKnBURN warehouse. So, yep, we planned a field trip.
We stopped for flowers and fruit bouquet for our favorite customer service people, designers, artists, and seamstresses. And, we packed tight in the car. We were fortunate enough to meet Tani and Natalie who treated us like we are long lost friends. They are always so responsive when I email and they really make me feel like family. Apparently a bad bug has been going around and some folks were out. Also, they were hard at work in the back room producing surprise items for the INKnBURN club box, so no tour of the process. But, we tried on existing stock to really confirm our sizes. We chatted. We met Tiny, one of the artists, and picked his brain. How does he come up with the designs? Much of the hand-drawn art is his. It's amazing, he is really allowed to create. He does use ideas from fans and toys with them to see if they work. But, also just doodles ideas of his own. They test them out. If they work, fantastic. If not, well, onto the next one. It's reasons like this that I adore the company. They are people, real people. And, artists are allowed to create. After spending way too much of their time, it was time for lunch. We had been trying to meet up with a few other INKnBURNers, but timing just didn't work.

After amazing lunch and full bellies, it was time for the expo. We met up with Sorority Girl again and picked up packets. It was easy and smooth. We had to do pics for ID validation for the Challenge. We did our requisite shopping. There are so many companies that do specific things just for Disney races. I had no idea. Special edition shoes, headbands, etc. And, of course, Disney does their own thing. I hate lines. Hate them. So, I didn't stand in line for the RunDisney shop and Tigger assured me I didn't miss anything that I would have wanted. The Musician and I had a cheap drink instead. She also had pre-ordered a few things, so she picked those up as well. It was quick. And, of course, wearing our INKnBURN, fellow INKnBURNers spotted us and we realized we know each other on-line. Sort of fun, how INKnBURN brings people together.

At this point, we had separate plans for the evening. We heard that Elton John was planning an impromptu set in Disneyland, but remember, I hate lines and crowds make me jittery. We wanted more flexibility and not to feel rushed. So, we headed off property to the CAMP to find Native Foods. OMIGOSH!!!! "Chicken bacon" club and the "burger" were to die for.
We did make it back in time to see a few fireworks and lay out some clothes for tomorrow.
Then, the morning came ... too early. Had some banana and bagel and peanut butter from the breakfast bar the day before and headed out groggily. Tigger and her dad and I headed onto property and met up with Sorority Girl. We did the porta-pottie thing and the picture thing.
Sorority Girl and I were in the later corrals and said our good-byes and good-lucks to Tigger. Then we waited. There is a little bit of a party atmosphere and it's jittery.

There were also characters for photos, but those of us in back had long lines to face ... so we did ours from a distance. I was thinking I didn't want to do another Disney race because of the crowds, and then ... we entered Downtown Disney. The lights. The happy music. My mood improved.
But, I had also heard about the "balloon ladies" and the time limits and I was stressed. At one point, we were told we were 3 minutes ahead of pace. 3 minutes? Wow!!! Later, I realized that was not 3 minutes in front of sweepers, but 3 minutes ahead of the expected pace of the sweepers. We were about 3 miles in, so I think that meant we had a lot more time, but I stressed anyway.

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