My Medal Tree |
I have been "participating" in "races"
since 2004. The way I got started is a different story for a different day
because this is my first Race Report.
There are only a few reasons I keep doing this to myself.
1. I like swag . . ."free" stuff you get for
2. Without races, I would never exercise.
Zooma charms |
I've been known to only train on race days, but it's clear
I'm getting too old for that because today I can barely walk.
So, here it goes. I have "run" a
Zooma race every year since 2008 when the first
Zooma was held in
Annapolis. I love
Zooma because it's different from all the others.
1. It's primarily a
women's race, but a few men participate.
2. Great T-shirts, women's cut, but "right" sized.
Sometimes in co-ed races, the women's cut shirts are cut a size too small.
3. Good swag. Not just a T-shirt
4. Until this year, all finishers got a charm necklace that
you could wear, not a big bulky medal . . .more on that later.
5. Until this year, post-race food was a box lunch, not just
bagels and bananas and oranges . They did still have wine and shopping and a
band post-race, so that was still a bonus.
On to the race . . .I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

Since my disastrous marathon hip injury in December, I have barely done any running. Between MRI,
hip injection, piriformis injection, and an unrelated surgery I have run at
most 5 miles at a time . . .and NOTHING for 6 weeks. And, for the past 2 weeks, I've been battling
a wicked cold. I'm coughing, and wheezing, and congested. Peak flow is always
yellow and no amount of albuterol (in addition to cold medicine, and all my
other asthma medications) have been able to touch it. I should have bailed, but
I didn't want to end my streak. I figured, I would walk it and collect my
medal. I knew it would be slow, but I didn't know it wouldn't be pretty.
So . . .Friday after work, I picked up my friend and we
drove to the
Resort. I had already picked up my packet, but
we went to the "expo" for some shopping and then to Mocktail hour for
wine and snacks. We wandered around the pool area, soaked our feet in the hot
tub, and had dinner with yummy Apple Crumble for dessert.
Race morning was uneventful, staggered sleepily out of my
room, to the parking lot, just in time for the start. I forgot to take a pre-race picture because I
usually don't and forgot I was going to write a race report. But, within a
mile, where the heck were all the walkers I'm used to seeing?
Within 2 miles,
on a winding and hilly road, where is everybody? I was alone. Wait . . .2 women
behind me. Wheh, not quite last. May as well enjoy the view
Mile 5 . . .hey, that's the back of the mile 2 sign? I
should have just sat and waited for the crowd and shaved a few miles.These flowers are pretty!!
Mile 7. . .I just found someone and passed a walker. This is her first half-marathon and she doesn't feel prepared. Rock on . . .I'm so proud of her for being out here. And now there are 3 women behind me. I still feel alone.

The out and back section . . .yea!!! I'm not lost. There are other people out here. Maybe I can turn around and shave off some miles. My feet are tired. Those long-horns look relaxed. I wish I were lying down.
Mile 10. . .golf course section, winding up and back and up
and back. I can hear the finish line. Oh look, A PONY!!! Pass 2 more women. They
don't look happy. AND ALPACA!!!
Mile 11 . . .pass 4 people. I have a blister on my toe. They
seem more unhappy than me. By the turn around at mile 12, only 1 of the 4 is
still on the course . . .Did they cut across and shave some distance? Maybe I should have done that.

Mile 13 . . .HORSE!!! Please let me ride to the finish. Oh
look, that's a pretty view. Finish line sure is quiet. Thanks for the medal,
sir. I know you're bored, but there are a few people still behind me. Medal has a removable charm that can be added
to my collection, but it might be too much effort so I'll probably just leave
it on the medal. Must decide later.
I really need to train in the future because it sure is
getting harder and harder to do this without preparation. I set a PR (personal
record) for my worst half-marathon time ever . . .Embarrassing as it is . .
.here are my results.