Sometimes, I think I'm just nuts. Today was one of those
days. I have been only doing Sprint Distance Triathlons for the past few years,
so I haven't ridden my bike (Vaderette) more than 18 miles at a time for
awhile. In fact, Vaderette has been hanging quietly in the garage for 7 months
and still has the race number from my last race on it. So does my helmet. I
have found a great group of people to ride with and decided to be brave and
face the San Antonio roads. So, I dusted her off and rode 20 miles. My legs
were jell-o so the "run" turned into a 1-mile walk. But, I felt great!!! And I had the weekend
off, so I decided to sign up for a triathlon the very next day.
The RookieTriathlon at Walter E. Long Lake in Austin, TX. This is the first race of the
Texas Tri Series. It's a
High-Five Event sponsored by
Jack & Adam's Bicycles and
Austin FitMagazine. It's pretty cool because they had pros in the open wave (super fast) and separate waves for veterans (me, but that doesn't mean prepared) and rookies (first time triathletes). The cut-off for signing up was 5 PM, so I signed up at 4:15 PM.
Plenty of time. I was pleasantly surprised to see a check-box asking if I
vegetarian food at the finish. AUSTIN ROCKS!!!! I recruited a friend to ride with me for
company in the wee hours. Sarah is a ROCKSTAR!!!

Brian got up to wish me luck, and went back to bed. Sarah
left San Antonio with me at 4 AM and we drove to Austin. Picked up my packet,
and took Vaderette into transition. There
are lots of stickers here. Realized that my water bottles were nicely packed on
the kitchen counter. DAMN!!! Put my feet
in the water and decided wetsuit was OK. Besides, I need the practice.

Swim: I have been in
the pool exactly 3 times in 7 months . . .all in the last week. 50 meters felt
tough, but I figured I could breast stroke if I needed to. 300 meters in a
washing machine of arms and legs and I only converted to breast stroke a few
times to try to get out of the mix. Slower than I hoped for, but maybe faster
than I expected.
These were in my feet |
T1: It seems I always have a picnic in transition. And I had
lots of stickers to get out of my feet (in fact, I'm still pulling out
splinters and bits). Next time I swim in water shoes. Stripped off the wetsuit without a problem...which means I
didn't fall down. Decided not to take my phone for my GPS app, and rely on my
bike computer instead. Whoops, should have checked to see if the computer worked. It didn't. Carried Vaderette out of transition because I didn't
want to hurt her tootsies. (Thank goodness, passed lots of flat tires on the
short route.) Clipped in and ready to go, then BAM!!! Boxed in by a biker in
front and a biker on the left that were mounting. Only one direction to go. It
was only a flesh wound and not even significant enough for a photo. But the
bruise is starting to develop.
Bike: Those HILLS and those WINDS!!!! I was grinding in low
gears to go downhill!! Uphill was quicksand. At one of the good downhills,
there was a sharp turn and lots of warnings to slow down . . .crap!!! As soon
as I made the bend, in high gear, the road went UP!!! I was moving so slow,
there were only 2 options. I chose the graceful dismount. Didn't feel quite so
bad when Mr. Cervelo P3 with the disc wheels and aero helmet walked up the hill
with me. The course was a long slow
grind, and I was grateful when it ended. My face and lips are wind-chapped. I
need to get a better motor for Vaderette. She tried her best, though.
T2: Another picnic because I don't know where my brain was. Overall uneventful, but I don't know what these attachments to
the bottom half of my body are. They aren't legs, more like lead sticks. And
I'm not sure my brain is connected to them in any way.3:16
Sarah cut my head off . . .and I'm walking |
Run? If you can call it that. Shuffle a bit, walk a lot.
There is Sarah screaming at me to run. I wanted to call her lots of awful
names. I think I have forgotten how to run in my hiatus these past few
months. Was so impressed with the young
volunteer who gave me water. I gasped "thanks." She gave me a sweet
smile and said "my pleasure." I love that expression so much more
than "you're welcome." I heard coach Jess's sweet little voice in my
head saying "use your arms Melinda." I tried. I'm not sure they work
right now either.
Finish line: I've never crossed a tape before, so when they
held one up, I didn't know what to do. I stood there and they dropped it to let
me pass.
Here is my photo finish. Thanks for the medal. Thanks for the cold water. Thanks for not making
me bend over to take off my chip. Frozen
AWESOME!!! Food---hot dogs, really? But, I asked and they pulled out
the secret stash of corn and cabbage tacos!!!!
CAPITAL!!!! 1:48:11
Slower than I hoped for, but not a lot worse than I expected.
Waited until transition
opened to remove bikes and sponsors tossed goodies . . .I got a bottle (another
one) with laces, and powerbars (that I gave away) and lip balm. I saw T-shirts
with race entries, caps and visors, lots of Chomps and Power Bars, sunglasses,
bike lube, etc. flying through the air.
This was a great race. The volunteers were amazing. The
organization was fantastic. I look forward to more
High Five events It was fun...only hard because I'm de-conditioned. Gives me a good baseline to work
from. I know I have to train if I want to do the half-iron I keep saying I'm
going to do in October. There, I said it, it's out there, so now
IT, Right?
Couldn't have done it without my friend and sherpa, Sarah. She is wicked crazy and tons of fun. When I was dragging, she ran and screamed and got me motivated. She can be my cheerleader any time. Next time I'm giving her my cowbell.