Wantable has 5 subscriptions: an Accessory box (I am not a good accessorizor), their Intimate box, Make-up box and their Fitness wear and Style box (try on at home and keep what you want). For the Accessory, Intimate, and Make-up, the cost is $50 the first month and then a $4 discount subsequent months if you keep everything. You can return individual items, though, so it's not a keep all or none sort of thing. When you sign up, you set up a style profile an select things you love, like, and dislike. They will never send something you dislike. Each box is selected for you, so my box will be different from everyone else's box. And, you can return if you want. That's a bonus most boxes don't allow. Aaaannnddd .... you always have the option to skip a month when you just need to take some time off. I chose the Intimates box. Assortment of undergarments, socks, loungewear, etc.
The Intimates box now has "themes" of loungewear or lingerie. I'm a loungewear person, so I said I prefer that. I didn't "dislike" lingerie, so I may also receive that on occasion. You can expect three items each month.
One of the things that impresses me most about Wantable is how quickly they ship. My style profile says that I love Loungewear, Leggings, and Socks. I have reviewed on their site each item I've received and they seem to do a better job selecting my items each time.
Once again, my box arrived exactly on time and I had selected loungewear as a theme I love, more than Lingerie.

I received a Long Sleeve Sweatshirt Dress. This is actually a really comfortable tunic with a hood in a soft brushed fabric. I will be able to wear it easily with leggings, like the one's I received last month. I might even wear it out of the house, but it will definitely be great for kicking back after work when I change out of my uniform and want to veg out on the couch with a martini. Retail $36. My price to keep $19.20

Over the Knee Bootsocks: Yes, please. I love long socks and it's boot weather. These are nice basic black so go with everything, but with a little sparkle to add a little interest. Retail $18. My price to keep $9.60

Pajama Drama Racerback Tank Teal: I have a cute pair of cropped pajama pants from a previous box that match this. And, it has a nice flow. It will go well for pajamas or under a sweater. Retail $21. My price to keep $11.20
So, what do I think. I like it, but it's not the same homerun from previous boxes. I really liked when the box had a few more items, but it seems that along with the price increase, they have also reduced to 3 items per box. Maybe a higher value for each item. Total retail $75, so not bad for $50 and even better for $36 since they are not changing the price for past subscribers who keep active accounts. I am keeping everything and it will find use, so overall, I can't complain.