Little Lace Box is a subscription box for women. It's curated for women by three sisters and isn't really described as a "lifestyle" box, but curates their boxes around particular themes. They used to be a monthly box and that is changing after the April box. I think because of their popularity, they grew really fast. They put so much thought into the curations, it has been challenging keeping up. After April ... the subscriptions are going to every other month ... six times a year. I had an annual subscription ... so it extends it out 18 months for the remaining 9 boxes. No complaints. This is my 6th box. I have 6 more coming.
You can purchase a bi-monthly subscription for $59.99. 3 boxes over 6 months for $149.97. 6 boxes over 12 months for $269.99. If you have a recurring subscription, you can email them to suspend subscription for any reason and then resume when you are ready. I purchased mine when the annual (12-box) subscription was $383.90 ($31.99/box). Shipping is between the 20th-23rd each month and they bill monthly just before shipping. If you like items you receive and want more, they have an on-line boutique where you can purchase more. For every dollar you spend in the boutique or on the purchase of the box, you get a loyalty point. 50 loyalty points is one dollar to spend in the boutique.
In the process of searching for items for their curated boxes, they come across items that just don't fit the theme, but that they love and want to share. So ... the luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things ...found itself as theSerendipity pouch. The Serendipity pouch will be sent on the months that the Little Lace Box is not. I have received a few Serendipity pouches from Little Lace Box. I should share that they went "live" in September for $9.99 per month, so subscribers of the regular LLB no longer receive it as a free bonus in the off months.

I opened the box with enthusiasm. Of course, there was a fold-out detailing the items in the box. This month's theme was Authentic Autumn and the box was developed to transition into the next season and compliment a personal style.
First was a Fall Pashmina. The color options included Amethyst Orchid, Stark White, Cashmere Rose, and Soft Cream. The Orchid and Rose are apparently shades of pink and lavender. I received Stark White. The description says the fabric is 100% Pashmina Cashmere, but I am not sure I've ever seen 100% Pashmina. I am not an expert, so I can't really comment too much. I received Stark White and was pleased with it because the Rose and Orchid don't seem to scream Fall to me. But, the white is a color I will use to brighten up my wardrobe. It is lightweight, but doesn't feel thin like summer scarves. Retail $32, but I can admit that I've seen similar for much less in New York on the streets. A few years ago, these were hard to find, but now they seem a dime a dozen.
The next three items in the box were from OFRA cosmetics. OFRA is Leaping Bunny certified, so no animal testing. Included were Absolute Face Primer, Eye Gel Primer, and Liquid Lipstick in either Rio or Santa Ana. OFRA has been in the last few boxes and Serendipity boxes, so I didn't feel like I was getting something new and original. Not being exposed to a brand that is new to me. I don't wear a lot of makeup, but when I do, I like a good primer, so I'm happy for another to try. I've never used an eye primer, but I'm excited to see if it can minimize creases and wear spots. I received the Santa Ana color and it did NOT work on me. Just a strange red that I can't explain. My blond friend received Rio and said it was very orange. Retail value $35 for Face Primer, $19.50 for Eye Primer, and $19.90 for Lipstick.

Travalo Skyline Portable Fragrance Decanter: Interesting concept and new to me. This is a way to take your favorite fragrance with you on carry-on and fit the 3.5 ounce per item limit. It's interesting. But, for me, I am not committed to a single fragrance and I love the tiny rollers I have received in other boxes and those are not a problem for carry-on. But, it will make an interesting Christmas gift at an exchange or for a few friends I know who are particular about fragrance. Retail $24

Bonus Tea Forte Sample: I drink tea. The packaging was super cute for this teabag. It will make it into my rotation.
So, what do I think? Retail value was $133.99. Not bad for $31.99 that I paid. Still OK for $59.99 for new subscriptions. But, not as high as previous boxes. I am also not so sure that some of the items are things I would consider as having the listed value. So ... I'm kind of underwhelmed. Also, past boxes have seemed so well thought-out and this one seems a little rushed. The original creativity seems a little lost. I'm not sure that it fits the theme very well. My authentic self doesn't wear a lot of make-up. I loved that previous boxes had something that could be totally customized to make it really unique. Lip color, for example, is a tough one for many people. I would have liked a certificate to select a color that would be great on me instead of being sent something that just doesn't work for me. I'm actually a little underwhelmed. I know that no company can hit it out of the park every time. I'm really hoping that December will be more like past boxes ... unique and creative and spectacular.
December's theme is pulled from a great childhood story, The Little Prince. It's only with the Heart that one sees clearly what is invisible to the eye.