and just dealt with it. A year ago, I developed hip pain that I haven't been able to shake despite hip join injections, botox in the piriformis, medial branch blocks, sacroiliac injections, and trochanter injections. I've been worked up for a stress fracture. Nothing. I finally asked about the chronic bursitis and iliotibial band issues that I stretch, and foam roll, and massage, and active release, and graston, and chiropractic treatment for. The Pain/PMR doc said I have to stop calling it "bursitis" after 17 years, it's no longer an acute condition. We decided to give prolotherapy a try.
What is prolotherapy? "Regenerative medicine" the doctor says. My interpretation, we're going to FUBAR you again so that you can heal correctly this time.
Me: Can I resume normal activities right afterwards?
Doc: Sure, what did you have in mind?
Me: I have a half-marathon two days after the procedure.
Doc: (Slowly) Weeelll, I suppose it's OK if you want to rupture your tendons.
Me: (Shaking head and even slower) Hmmm, probably not then, can I walk?
Doc: Sure
Me: How far? (you know what I'm thinking, right?)
Doc: As far as you want (he didn't tell me that I wouldn't "want" to walk any further than from the couch to the kitchen)

I love Purpose Events races. Great swag. Great after parties. Friendly organizers. Beautiful locations.Great support. I have been wanting to run Cocoa Women's Half Marathon for the past 2 years in San Antonio, but seems I really hurt myself at the end of the "season" and this off-season race just hasn't been in the cards. This year, I had only minor injuries, so I was ready to go. I signed up months ago. Well, bust! back to the 5K for me this year. I really want to run the entire beautiful course. And, the pancakes afterwards are a nice incentive.
Friday, I had prolotherapy in the Gluteus Medius Tendon and Iliotibial band. Ultrasound guided. (I didn't watch) Few interesting conversations of the day.
Doc: Any questions?
Musician: So, you're going to poke a hole in her and fill her with sugar?
Me: Seriously, do you know what you just said?
Doc: You'll feel a little pinch and burn and then some pressure
Me: (very loudly) Obscenities that I won't print here
Doc: This area doesn't feel quite right ... crunchy
Me: I told you so

After a 22-guage needle was used to poke lots of holes in the tendon and ITB, 20% dextrose was injected into the area. Ideally, my body will respond to the acute injury and regenerate the tissue. I repeat this 3 times every 4 weeks. Then we decide ... is it working? Do we step up to platelet rich plasma? I had many choice words every step I took walking out of the building. Oh yeah, and that nagging hip/glute pain ... totally gluteus medius tendonitis. It's as bad as it has ever been.

Sunday, Short-but-Mighty texted at 5 AM ... she was sick. Not going. I did a little passive stretching and realized ... I would not be happy walking 3 miles. I really didn't want to drive downtown just for pancakes. And I'm super jealous of all those women who are running today. No medal for me. No pancakes. BUST!!!
All I can say, is this prolotherapy had better be worth it. It will be if I can run pain free in the future.
In the meantime, I'm really proud of Francesca Columbo and Loralei Cryblskey ... a couple of elementary schoolers running half marathon. Go Fran Go!!! Go Loralei Go!!!
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