It has been several months since
Chance (formerly Papi), the best foster dog ever, went to his furever home. I have missed him terribly, and I wanted to visit, but I didn't want to confuse him. On our way up, I promised my friends from
INKnBURN that I would stop by
Fort Worth Running and show them an amazing product line. I hope they carry it. If you live in the area and want them to carry it, let them know. The Musician and I were dressed in
INKnBURN, but no pictures. What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I want to see Chance. Seriously and ThatsDumb are amazing people and I know he has an amazing home. But, we had a free weekend and decided to make the trip to see him for a weekend. The Musician has been friends with Seriously since the womb, so it's not weird to go visit the foster dog. I must admit, I was nervous. Would he remember me? Not? Either way, would it be hard to leave again and would he be confused? Or would I be sad that he didn't remember me? I don't know. I walked in the door and he went nuts. Yeah, I think he remembered me. I carried him around all night because he wouldn't let me put him down. He was feisty as always. He tried to follow us to bed, but I carried him to his room. I wonder if he still sleeps under the blankets.

We had a weekend of activities planned. First up was an organized ride. Since I'm training for
MS150, I need an excuse to get in the saddle. I'm a little scared riding around town without a big pack because cars and trucks are bigger than bikes.
Peach Pedal would be a good way to get some miles in and feel safe and supported. And, I'm pretty sure that also means some sweet and juicy Texas peaches. So ... Saturday morning, we got up at crack of dawn and headed out to packet pick-up. Quick and easy, pay my fee. I just followed Seriously and ThatsDumb. After we picked up our shirt, it was back to the car to get on the bikes and we headed out with the 65 milers. I just followed the people who knew what they were doing. It was packed. Bikes everywhere. Seriously and ThatsDumb were planning the 43 mile route. I was thinking, hey ... what's 13 extra miles? Especially the first 5-ish miles that seemed pretty flat. I did forget to turn on Trusty Garmin for a few miles, though. Oops!! Even though it didn't record, I want credit for those miles. ThatsDumb took off faster and Seriously stayed with me about 5 miles, but I just couldn't hang. I also had every intention of taking advantage of every aid station. So ... 8 miles in, and I had my first ice-cold juicy sweet peach slices.

The views of the countryside were amazing. There were horses playing, really playing, in the pasture. Horses standing under trees. Wide expanses of land. Goats, cows, alpaca, dogs (well-behaved and behind fences). I probably wobbled a lot because my head was moving side-to-side capturing the scenery. I was so busy looking around that I missed the turn for the 30-milers. But, I realized the error about a mile and a half later. I was already feeling hot, and the rolling hills were happening. I debated, keep going? or turn around. I turned around. 43 miles is a lot more than 30. And, my bum was feeling it.

Made it to Stop #2 and learned all about the challenges of riding in bib shorts. It takes much longer in the Porta Pottie and you have to hold stuff and squat. It takes skilz!! I really really like my bib shorts, though. They are so comfortable and stay put. And, c'mon,
Betty Designs skulls and butterflies!!! Too cute. Got compliments on my kit. It was nice to stretch the legs, get some blood flow back into the sore bits. And have more ice cold juicy sweet peach slices.

Back in the saddle again and by now, I was just plain getting tired. I was really glad I didn't plan on 43. I kind of just want this to be over. It's hot. I'm cranky. Rolling hills are causing me to suck wind. Goats standing on hind legs, being guarded by Pyrenees ... OK that was a nice distraction. Then it was aid station #3.

I'm still cranky and the heat is getting to me. I keep refilling my water bottles, but the
Tailwind half-strength isn't enough. First time trying it out. No gut issues, but I think I need full strength. I like the flavor, but at half-strength, the lemon doesn't taste like lemonade. I tried a
Huma gel and it tasted like apple pie. That will get me by a little longer. Just a few more miles to go, but I'm stopping anyway and forcing myself to smile for a picture. And, since I've been talking about peaches, I should show you, they exist ... lots of them. At this point, I even tried a pickle. I keep hearing about pickle juice on rides. Interesting ... might be better ice cold.
Finally, 30 miles done. Back to the car to wait for Seriously and ThatsDumb. Why is it that the hills don't look very impressive on the elevation map? Would I do this again? Heck yeah. The volunteers at every aid station were so very nice. The route was beautiful. The
Litespeed did her due diligence. The only problem was that my bike still needs a better engine.

My finish picture is lying in the grass exhausted. Seriously came up about 20 minutes later and decided NOT to go for a run. I thought that was a good idea. Then about 5 minutes for ThatsDumb. Yes, I forced them to take a post-ride selfie. "It's for my blog," I said.
Off to shower. Then lunch at
Righteous. The Musician had Multi-Grain Banana and Dark Chocolate Waffle that was pretty decadent. The menu is organic, but not vegan. Very few vegan options. I had Chile Pasilla with Roasted Butternut, Avocado, and Queso Fresco (minus queso fresco) soup and a side of Sweet Potato and Zucchini. It was tasty, but I like more options. They have plenty of juices, but I'm not in the juice mood ... I wanted FOOD!!! HANGRY HIPPO after a ride. Then to packet pick-up for the next day. And rest trying out
NormaTec. Oh ... my legs are happy. Then, to another friend's birthday dinner and I wolfed down that vegan pizza. Sleeping soundly tonight.
For those of you supporting my
MS150 training. Thank you. I am doing this nutty thing because other's can't. It's a great cause and one that is very close to me. If you haven't donated, it's not too late. (wink wink)
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