Swim: The Mayor was the first in the pool and she got the pool to herself. It was fun lining up and cheering her on the bike start as we waited to swim. I Hemmed and Hawed about where to line myself up. Seriously and ThatsDumb are fast. I haven't been training much, but my usual time isn't too far behind Seriously. I think. They convinced me to be in the top third of the pack with them. I listened. They promised, I wouldn't be "that person" holding up the line. It's a pool swim, so, you know ... Well, eventually I hit the water. Dude behind me who was certain he was a slow swimmer, tapped my foot at the first length and I let him pass. At 200 meters, there was a dude right behind me, and one behind him, and one behind him, etc. ... I was "that person" holding up the line. I let about 7 guys pass and then fell in behind, the next length was super fast because I caught the draft, then 300 meters and done. 8:25. What the heck? That's a full minute and a half slower than I expected for 300 meters. Hanging my head in shame. I have lost a lot.Noticed I hadn't started Trusty Garmin, either. Hit start and lap and see if it can pick me up in T1.
T1: Didn't seem like I totally took a picnic, and hopped on my Litespeed. Just a 13 mile ride, shouldn't be bad. 3:43
Bike: A few small hills, but nothing bad. 2 loops and I hate multi-loop courses, I just want to get back and get finish. And, my attitude is terrible. I have no mojo. I am really hating this. The course is great. The support was great. It was a pretty ride. I am just grumpy cat today. Obviously, mojo is off ... I forgot to put my computer on the bike. I just want to be done. At least I look good in Betty Designs. 56:27
T2: I feel like I'm forgetting something, but OK, let's head out and finish this thing up. 2:02

Finished at last. Thank Goodness. I just want to pick up my medal and go home.
Turns out, I didn't start auto-multisport on Trusty Garmin and it thinks I did some long swim segments. I did do something liberating, though ... I changed out of my trikit in Transition area, without nudity. I got my new UnDress and LOVE it. I messaged The Musician and he had such a sweet response.
Back home to see Chance, hop in a shower, and off to lunch. Isn't he freaking adorable?
Then, once again HUNGRY ... and we wanted real food, so it was off to Rodeo Goat for lunch. Of course, I had to have my namesake burger. And The Musician had the other vegan burger. UHHHMMAAAAZZINGGG!!! We sat outside to avoid crowds and while the mimosa was refreshing, it did get hot outside.Back home to play with Chance and enjoy the NormaTec recovery on my legs again. How can you not love that little face?
He got sleepy and I could see how much he loves his family as he chose Seriously's lap to fall asleep in. Eventually, it was a sad time to say good-bye to friends, but it is a long drive to the house. Can't wait until next time. ThatsDumb says next time, we won't have any rides or races on the schedule.
And, if you want to adopt a cutie patootie like Chance, there are so many in rescue. If you are in San Antonio, check out the available dogs at SA ROCKS.
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