Friday, the 13th I had Prolotherapy session #2. If the first treatment hadn't worked, I wouldn't have been back for a second, but the progress was amazing. I didn't curse this time, but it still hurt. Same restrictions, no impact/no resistance for 7 days. I knew from last time that the first run would feel "squishy" and that the muscles would be weak and the tendons would feel "soft." But, what the heck? The half marathon is my favorite distance afterall.

The HEB Alamo RunFest is in it's third year. It has a 4 1/2 hour finish time, so I figured I could crawl if I had to. Powerbroker was signed up for the half ... and has she gotten FAST this year. Sorority Girl signed up for the 10K, but promised to wait for us at the finish. The 10K started 45 minutes after the half, so the wait wouldn't be too terribly long.

Picked up my race packet on Saturday at the Alamodome. The expo was smaller than I expected for the venue and I have to admit I wasn't stoked about $15 for parking. I suppose I could have parked on the street, but The Musician was with me and we wanted to get in and out quick ... it was lunch time. The packet was the usual stuff ... flyers and such, but also a ProBar. I like getting food in my packets, but this has dairy so I'll be giving it away. Being downtown gave me the excuse to go to lunch at
Senor Veggie ... Beet Burger, YUMMM!
Since the race was promoting fitness and celebrating health, I figured I would wear my muscles from
INKnBURN. Boy, did I get a lot of attention. I'm not usually bold, but I think this is a pretty bold outfit. I had men who wanted to take pictures with me. Groups who wanted to take pictures with me. Girls who wanted to take pictures of our butts (mine with muscles and theirs in their running shorts, skirts, tights). (note to self: next time, get a copy of the pictures, too.) Lots of compliments. The water stops on the course were well-staffed with enthusiastic teenagers who loved the look. I was told I would have won best outfit if there had been a competition. We ran on post (more later) and even though I wear a uniform, I still like a man in uniform. I got lots of looks from men in uniform and I didn't mind. And I heard lots of whispers. Besides the fell of the fabric (oh, sooo comfortable), I love the way I stand out in the crowd in my
INKnBURN. Anyway, I met up with Powerbroker at the start line.

Powerbroker is so fast these days that we don't get to hang out as much on our long runs. She decided to run with me. I told her it wasn't necessary, but she's a good friend. We had a great start with guns blazing. Then we passed by the Alamo and the Tobin Center. It was a pretty nice course.
Pretty cool feature of this race was that 5 1/2 miles were on Fort Sam Houston. Now, I used to work here, so no big deal for me, but still nice for the community. We were greeted by the Army band as we entered post. Ran past the old houses where higher ranks can live now, past the Old BAMC building (my old office is the 8th window from the left on the third floor), and past Long Barracks. It was awesome how supportive the Army community was. People came out of their homes to cheer us along ... and even offer snacks.
Mile 8: I started to feel it. This is where I started to feel it after my last prolotherapy. The Gluteus Medius (I could show you on my outfit) was not well supported and working hard and starting to hurt.
Mile 9: I was slowing down.
Mile 10: Powerbroker was cramping because she wasn't used to running so slow. She needed to stretch out her muscles. She took off to fly to the finish in the final 5K. Shortly after Powerbroker took off, Sorority Girl texted ... she finished the 10K and had ANOTHER PR!!! Notice she is sporting her new
INKnBURN Run or Die kit? Yes, I have converted her and she is as addicted as I am.
Mile 11: Hmmm? I remember the doctor saying something about tendon rupture, I think I will be walking a lot more from here.
Mile 12: Texted the ladies at the finish. I was done. Walking it in from here.
Mile 13: ALAMODOME!!! OK ... kick it up here so that I can have a glorious looking finish through the tunnel. As I entered the stadium, there was a huge crowd cheering. Around the stadium and to the finish!! That was a pretty awesome way to finish!!!
Time for Brunch. Being downtown was a great excuse for
Green Vegetarian. My favorite Sunday brunch.
My feet hurt. My knees hurt (unusual). Checked out the shoes and had an explanation ... I had worn them out. Off to the running store before going home to buy a new pair. And, what to my wondering eyes did appear? New
INKnBURN on the rack and a hidden bonus ... classic on the sale rack IN MY SIZE!!! Yes, I bought it.
(And no, I get nothing for talking about them, but I love the clothes because I love how they make me feel, so yes, I want to share things that make me happy.)
Checked out race photos and decided not to purchase. Am I really that pigeon-toed and knock-kneed when I run. I think it was worse this time because the hip was weak. I did notice I dragged my foot a bit and that's not usual for me. Not my most stellar race by far, but not my worst. I didn't have to be dragged across the finish line and that's always a bonus.
Can't wait until next week. Wonder what I'll wear? I have new
INKnBURN arriving tomorrow!!!
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