So, off we were to the airport and we had to celebrate our travels early.
We arrived late Thursday and picked up our rental car and then off to the hotel for a good night's sleep. Next morning, it was breakfast and early packet pick-up at REI. We thought we would get there before packet pick-up opened to beat the line. We were wrong. I guess they set up early and people were lined up early. So, we waited ... and shopped.
We were told we had to have our registration code with us, but once we were at the desk, they were looking up codes for everyone. Packet pick-up was quick and smooth and goodies. I bought another book because I needed another Oatmeal autograph. And yeah, he's still cute.

Then, back to the hotel. Set up for morning. And sleep.
We awoke early, but because it is a blerchy race, it doesn't start too early. Marathon at 8. Half at 830.
We sat on the couch and reconsidered our decision to run.
We saw a quick passing Yeti, but not fast enough for pictures. Yetis are sneaky and fast. Blerches were passing out bacon and maple syrup marshmallows. I passed. Latin Heat had to partake. I wore INKnBURN muscles because it was the least blerchy thing I could think of. I had to beat the Blerch. I also got A LOT of attention in that. From racers, volunteers, and random strangers.

The race organizers sent us off in waves. We didn't really pay attention. CurleyKate and Latin Heat were doing 10K, but they started with us.
At the start, Blerches tried to convince us to turn around.
My run these days is 1 minute run: 1 minute walk. Power Broker is a sub-10 minute miler now. She stuck with me for a mile, but it was too slow and I told her to head on out. She did and she looked strong and had great form, as usual. I felt heavy and slow. As the turn-off came for the 5K, I considered it. Glad I didn't. We had a beautiful run past the Capitol area and tree-lined streets and tree-lined paved trails along the river.
But, the 10K turn-off came up. Again, I considered turning left. I turned right and decided it was too late, I had to go the full distance. Aid stations were plentiful with cake and Nutella sandwiches. Volunteers were super supportive and cheerful. I didn't stop for couches this year. I had to keep moving forward.
As we got into more trails and I hit 7 miles, I was deliriously happy. I thought to myself, I can do this. I am so motivated to keep on running and do better with my training. This is awesome. That lasted about a mile and a half. Then I thought, how much longer until this is over. Thank goodness the trail was beautiful. We came up to the turn-off for the full onto packed dirt trails and I was very careful not to make the mistake of turning right.
I turned left towards "home." Eventually, I was just plodding and felt like a zombie. It's been a hard year. Every run has felt worse than the one before. Around mile 11, we came to a section of boardwalk made of railroad ties. I walked. I didn't think I could pick up my feet enough not to stumble and land on my face. Then, back to some road and a fellow INKnBURN ambassador passed me. She had done the full and she looked amazing and strong. As she passed, I asked if she was who I thought she was. We said brief hellos while we kept moving forward. And, finally, the track to the finish line. I was DONE. Somewhere in mile 12, PowerBroker texted me she was finished. After picking up my medal, I climbed the cruelly placed stadium stairs and found PowerBroker. CurleyKate and Latin Heat had already headed out for lunch. We did a few quick pics and back to the car to the hotel for a bite to eat, a shower, and then a lovely afternoon of relaxing spa treatments. Lazy dinner around the corner and back to bed.

Next morning, we did a quick run to the running store and I picked up some shoes and a few other items. Yep, I need new running shoes ... believe it or not. Then we met CurleyKate and Latin Heat for lunch. Because it was so good before, we went to Ten22 again. Service and food were just as spectacular. Beet salad was amazing with 3 different kinds of beets. I was pretty much in heaven. Then it was a race to the airport and home again and back to reality.
Yes, we will do it again next year.
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