Seems that about every year, there seems to be an issue with my training. I've been getting better at the training part the past few years, but this year was especially tough. If you know me well, you know that this year has been faced with hurdles . . .trying to overcome a hip injury, surgery, and some other issues that have really caused a lack of motivation. I signed up for this race several months ago, but I was going to have to travel for it, and I wasn't in the mood. My friends who were planning to do the race with me weren't going either, so I really didn't want to go. But, the swag is good . . .it's the reason some people sign up for this race. I convinced myself to pack and at least go to pick up the swag. Hey, I paid for it, right? At a minimum, we could have a weekend getaway. Fortunately, the Musician knew my struggles and had my bike tires pumped and Vaderette loaded in the bike rack before I got home to pack. I was unorganized and just couldn't figure out what to pack. I've done this triathlon thing before, right? It took forever, but we made it out of town and into Shreveport Saturday morning.

We went to
Sportspectrum to pick up packet and I wasn't disappointed. The timing chip was disposable this year, so they didn't ask if I was planning to race, everything was in the bag. This is the 34th year of the race and it's got a reputation. Sells out in minutes. I set my alarm and cancel everything else to register.
Sportspectrum does a great job. I wonder how well run their other races are? Probably pretty good. If I were local, I would check them out, too. I remembered that I hadn't lubed the chain very well, so we went to
River Cities Bicycle and they lubed her for free. Also, noticed I was missing my pedal cadence sensor so they replaced it, too. And, it was nice to talk to someone about Vaderette. Not many people know the
Litespeed brand, or that they make carbon bikes (they are known for titanium). I highly recommend this shop. By the way, I love my bike. Just wish she came with a better motor.

After all that was taken care of, we met our friends from the boat in the Galapagos for lunch. My non-vegan friends made and amazing (and huge) lunch of vegan food for us and we enjoyed it on the patio. They have beautiful property. Sharye designed every inch of the house, picked out every detail of finish and furnishings, and designed and planted every plant. She has a personal relationship with her plants and it was really fun to see them again. My mood improved. Next hurdle, get dressed and show up for the race. I laid out my gear to make it easier. Alarm went off at 4:45 AM and I got out of bed. Next hurdle, start the race.

Met friends of friends and figured I was committed to race. Well, at least start the
swim. I was in a relatively early wave, so that was nice. Not much time to think about it. The water was nice, actually clear enough to see my hands. I have only been in the pool 5 times this year, so I wasn't prepared, so I wasn't nervous. Figured I could relax and just see what happened. I stayed to the outside and didn't get thrashed like last year . . .well, not until the back-half when I got caught up in the soup of the fast folks from the next wave. Surprised that I was a few seconds
faster than last year? What what? And, according to the Garmin (which I am still figuring out), pretty straight.
800 meters/20:57

My usual picnic in
T1. Still not feeling very stressed. Just out for a Sunday ride. It's only the 4th time I've been in the saddle this year and I stood there a bit wondering what I was supposed to do to get ready?

Bike was comfortable and smooth. Not very hilly. Noticed that the only sensor working on the bike computer was my pedal cadence sensor. Must figure this out at some point. A few minutes slower than last year, but I didn't feel completely spent. I might have looked like I needed encouragement. I got a lot of "good job" comments from cute guys, and an
"I love your top" comment from a woman. Did I look that bad like I needed encouragement. Maybe so. Thanks guys. It helped.
18 miles/1:09:37

Rode into
T2 and an official was waiting for little ole' me. The rules say no headphones or music players. I keep my phone as a safety device (security blanket). I don't hide it. I was told that if I wore it on the run, I would get another 2:00 penalty. I said "seriously? even if I'm not using it?" He said "yes." I said "Seriously, even though I'm probably dead last in my division? You're going to give me a penalty? Bring it, not like it matters." He said, "watch yourself." I wonder if they have a penalty for sass? I did leave the phone. Stopped on the way out and told the Musician. He is my defender. Doesn't like anyone screwing with me. He went and argued with the officials. "What about the folks with the jawbones? Aren't those headphones and music devices?" Anyway, next time, phone will likely be hidden in my gear bag, just like everyone else.

Headed out for
run. Again, no expectations. This year was much cooler than last year, which may have helped the bike and certainly helped the run. I had my intervals set for 5-minute run, 1-minute walk. It helped. I was able to run the finish. A little slower than last year, but less trained, and with injuries that haven't fully recovered. I will take it.
Thanks for the medal. Food was a chicken taco ...very sad I would be a little hungry. Watermelon, however, was awesome. I'll be back again next year. Total time: 2:17:23. No penalty added. I suppose that since the difference between me and the 40th of 41 finishes in my age group was 6-minutes, the 2-minutes really didn't matter. I was disappointed. I felt important getting a penalty.
2013 results for comparison |
2014 results |
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