I was out of town when my box arrived, so it was a pleasant surprise to see it waiting for me. I am always happy when I see the blue chevron. It's just pretty and lighthearted. Alas, I did not get the golden ticket, so no trip to India for me . . .at least not right away. It's on my list one day because it seems so exotic and filled with history. The box always comes with a brochure to explain the contents.

The regular box comes with a travel guide, the mini without. I like the higher number of contents in the regular box, and I thought I would really like travel guides, but I am amassing quite a collection and I worry about them being dated by the time I ever take a trip to the locations . . .and I'm not sure I will ever make it there. I might appreciate more things and less travel guides in the future. Retail $19.99

Lots of food items in this box. That sometimes happens with this subscription. First was Maya Kaimal Kashmiri Curry. The brochure said it was Madras curry. I honestly don't know the difference. I love curry, and it smells amazing. Made in New York. Can't wait to try this in my cooking. Retail $7.39

Next food item was Organic, Grass-Fed Ghee. Never heard of if before, but it's sort of a butter/fat, I guess. It's supposed to cleanse and promote well-functioning organs. But, since I don't eat animal products, this was gifted to a friend who is an amazing and creative cook. I'm sure she will do something with it. Made in New Jersey. Retail $2.95

Third food item was Saffron Road Korma Simmer Sauce. The brochure said it was Tikka Masala. Completely different sauces and flavors, but I'm not complaining. I like both and I suspect the Tikka Masala also cotains milk, so I would have gifted it also. Gave it to the same creative cook. Made in New Hampshire. Retail $3.99

Finally, in the food category: Masala Pop Chai Masala Popcorn. I had heard complaints about the popcorn being stale and hard and clumpy. I don't really have high expectations of coated popcorn, and I wasn't disappointed. Sure, it was stale and clumpy, but not hard. And popcorn in the mail (unless it is in a tightly sealed tin) is usually stale. Coated popcorn is usually clumpy. At least for me. I like the flavor, so not going to complain about it. It was sweet, but not too sweet. Maybe because it wasn't "perfect," I didn't eat it too quickly. Also, happy to see a label that notes it is Non-GMO and VEGAN. Made in Oregon. Retail $5.49

Next item is Nemat Amber Perfume Oil. It's a tiny little bottle, I think it's the 5mL bottle, that will be perfect for putting in my purse. I like the amber scent. It's less floral than some others I use and I'm not tied to anything, but rather, like variety. I don't have a signature. Made in Fremont, CA. Retail $9.00. There was a tiny bonus sample oil in Sandlewood, which is one of my favorite, non-floral scents also included.
And, finally, the bonus item. Indian Bindi. I'm not sure if/when I'll wear these, but they could be fun. I have been to a few Indian weddings, so maybe I'll keep these for next time. I've seen reviews with different colors and different patterns. Mine was simple, but that's what I would prefer. Retail $2.00
I'm still on the fence about this subscription box. It's pricey at full price $49.95. I have 20% off for life, so I pay $39.95, which is similar to other boxes I get. The value of this box was $70.71 including the travel guide and the price of a full-size bar of peppermint soap, so it's probably less. It is one of my more expensive subscriptions and has lower value than similarly priced boxes, so I'm debating. It's fun and different, though. I would like to see higher value as my other boxes are valued at double (or more) than their price point making me feel like I got a bargain. Next month is Paris, so I'm not ready to give up just yet. I'm also kind of curious because they had a deluxe box one-time order this month that I ordered for $69.99. It is supposed to have a >$150 value.
(This post contains affiliate links. These opinions are my own and are unsolicited. I have not received any compensation for my comments.)
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