Monday, May 25, 2015

Little Lace Box Serendipity May 2015

You may have read my reviews of Little Lace Box before. I really like this subscription because it is different from others. All boxes are curated around a theme and you can really tell the three sisters that designed this company put a lot of themselves in each package. They exploded and had a few growing pains in the past few months. They handled them in an amazing way. They made an announcement in April, that they were going to a bi-monthly subscription, but that current subscribers would get a little surprise in May ... what a surprise it was!!!

In the process of searching for items for their curated boxes, they come across items that just don't fit the theme, but that they love and want to share. So ... the luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things ...found itself as the Serendipity pouch. The Serendipity pouch will be sent on the months that the Little Lace Box is not. The cost of the subscription is $9.99 per month. While they are working out the kinks, the sisters are sending this to current subscribers for free. It's these things that really show the personal touch, and that they really care, that make all the difference. And, all the products and related items are available on the website.
First in the  pouch, was a set of Ofra Cosmetics products. I have only learned about Ofra recently in subscription boxes. Ingredients are natural, organic, plant-based and animal friendly (which makes me happy). Although not strictly vegan as color tints often have an insect base, but I'm not as worried about insects for some reason. Maybe because they aren't as cute and cuddly (except bees and silkworms, I care about them). I have actually tried the eyebrow pencil ... and I don't usually use an eyebrow pencil and was impressed with the way it shaded my red (thin) eyebrows pretty naturally. The lip gloss is dark plum and I like it. I have always been a little dark. I haven't used the lip liner because I'm just scared of lip liners and looking funny.
 Next was Bella Ink hand-made greeting card. I really like hand-made cards so this will be in my rotation.

And finally, Brode Electrolye Vitamin. I keep thinking I'll give this a try for a long run or bike day. I am always looking for a good balance. But, I have to admit, I'm not sure I will notice a difference with a single use. Worth a try though. 

So, what do I think? Well, what a nice surprise it was!!! I love the name. I love the idea. I love that for now it's free. And, with a value of $46.90, even if I had paid for it, I would have felt like I got a great deal. I have been won over and will remain loyal to Little Lace Box and Serendipity for a long time. 

P.S. They announced the August theme for Little Lace Box. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. They don't usually give spoilers, but they will be giving hints on their Facebook page. I can't wait and I haven't even received June. 

A Road Trip, A Race, and A Wedding

In my life, I can't always take a lot of time off work. I don't live "too" far from my siblings in the midwest, but far enough that it's not an easy weekend trip. But, my niece is getting married, so I worked out a whirlwind 3-day and we took a road trip.

Friday morning, we headed out early for the 12-hour drive north to Girard Kansas. Of course, I wore my most comfortable traveling clothes. INKnBURN all the way. When we arrived at my brother's house, we were greeted by Jazmine. She is a farm dog for sure and seems to have a close relationship with skunks. But ... oh, so sweet and really wants to be scratched. Must wash hands quickly. 
The Rebel (my brother) lives in the country ... 15 minutes from the nearest town. The town has like a small main street. Yep, this is the part of the country I was born and raised in. As we headed out do dinner, I was reminded of the beauty of small towns in the countryside. No real light pollution and wide open spaces, so you get to see beautiful skies. The Rebel's girlfriend visiting from New York. And, yes, the theme song from Green Acres played in my head all weekend. 

Facebook makes the world a small place. I had met a friend through INKnBURN in said small town and she told me about a 5K the following morning. The Victory over Violence 5K had a superhero theme. I didn't have a superhero costume due to poor planning, but MightyMe goes all out. Cute as a button. I did wear a cool INKnBURN kit, though. So ... off I went early for a run. And yes, my family thought I was nuts. It was a little chilly and a lightly misting so I wasn't sure I wanted to do this. But, it's for a good cause, so I paid my registration fee and hung around until the start. I am on a return to run program until I can get the hip feeling better, so really limited to 5 minute run/2 minute walk. I don't really enjoy it, but I'm trying to actually listen this time and heal. It's going slower than I want. When the race started ... MightyMe ran her pace and I hobbled along. But, I did try to run when I saw a camera. I won't complain too much, I did come in 38 out of a whopping 53. It was a fun little easy flat course with two loops around the park in a small town. Reminded me of my childhood. The old houses, the mature trees.

After the run, I had to rush off to meet the family for breakfast. Oatmeal for me, because small town Kansas is not very vegan-friendly. I should have taken a picture of the ginormous cinnamon roll, though.

Then, time to rush around and get ready for wedding festivities. The rest of my sibs were there. So, we really just did spend time with each other. They see each other every few months, but for me ... it's a rare reunion seeing all of them at once.
Funny ... they all asked how was the trip? Of course, the usual answer ... I was well rested and The Musician was ready to be out from behind the wheel. It's a family joke because when I was a kid ... the moving wheels were instant sleep ... well, not much has changed as an adult.

Not all of the nieces and nephews could make it. They are growing up and have busy lives. But, two of them were there. The nephew recently got engaged. His older sister and her husband are just as adorable as ever.
 My siblings and their spouses (I don't know why I didn't get a picture of The Comedian. His wife was unable to make the trip and I got pictures of couples. Sorry.) But it was nice to see The Protector and his wife, the Nicest Person in the World, the Rebel and his city girlfriend, and The Scrapper and her SuperWife.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. My breath stopped when I saw my niece. She is really a stunner. Her husband seems gentle and kind. They thought about so many lovely details. Because of the rain, the ceremony was held in the barn. They had so many lovely and personal touches in the ceremony. The minister was their youth minister who watched them meet and grow in their relationship. Her sisters were her bridesmaids and they are just as beautiful. Then, a quick turnover of chairs and tables and the reception was also in the barn. The centerpieces and cakestand were all handmade by the wedding party. The groom is an artist with wood. We were prepared for the barbecue and brought our own food, because, well ... it's Kansas and meat is a pretty major part of the diet. I did have some wedding cake though. Three flavors. I only ate one and it was AMAZING!!! One of my nieces was maid of honor and gave such a sweet speech. The groom's father was best man ... which is super cool ... and his speech was so sweet and really showed the sweetness of the family she joined. The Doctor gave a speech and when he mentioned my dad, we all choked up a bit. But, he didn't cry. The bride and groom danced. The bride and her father danced. The groom and his mother danced. Each song was clearly perfectly chosen. They had a sweet slideshow of each of them growing up and then of them together. Also perfectly chosen songs for each sequence. My niece is a teacher. Her kindergartner's showed up and seeing the little ones dance was so cute.

 It's always bittersweet when these events come to an end. I hate saying good-bye to my siblings again, especially with such a short visit. The Rebel and I are very close and he had several good-byes. His oldest married and moved away. His middle little moved and is starting PA school the next day. And, between the two of them, they took most of his furniture and his house is big. His littlest little is moving in full-time, though for college.

After playing with Jazmine a bit, we hit the road early for the 12-hour drive ahead. It turned out to be a beautiful day, although I did sleep through most of it. And, yes, comfortable in more INKnBURN.

Monday, May 11, 2015

PopSugar MustHave May 2015

PopSugar MustHave is a monthly lifestyle subscription box. I call it a Christmas stocking in a box and I look forward to it every month.  It's filled with items that I might not purchase for myself, but that I will use and love. Just a bit of luxury.

The usual subscription box is $39.99/month, but if you purchase 3 or 6 month subscriptions, there is a little discount. And, they have discounts every month if you find the codes. The current discount code is MUSTHAVE5 for $5 off your subscription.  Black Friday they had a special for $75 off a 6-month subscription. So, my $214.70 ($35.78/box) came to 139.70 ($23.28/box). Not a bad deal when you consider all that's in it. 

I have been slow about getting around to writing about my May arrivals.It's not that I didn't love them, I just haven't been in a writing mood. So ... anyway. Here goes. As usual, I was really happy when my box arrived. I had seen spoilers, because I always cheat. I was looking forward to what was inside. And, I appreciate the card detailing everything. The box was inspired by Glowing Skin, Mother's Day, Fresh Flowers, Beach Bum, Colorful, and California Sun.

So, of course the first thing I think of at the beach is boardwalks and salt-water taffy. It makes me think of Ocean City and that always makes me happy. So, I was not disappointed with Hammond's Candies McCraw's Flat Taffy. I don't know what flavor mine was because it wasn't listed on the flavor guide on the label. It was purple and yellow and I am not sure I can describe the flavor other than sweet. The description said it was made with no artificial colors of flavors, but the ingredient list contains Natural & Artifical Flavor and Coloring, soooooo .... Retail $1

You can't go to the beach without a beach towel. We received Sisters of Los Angeles Surf Sand Love Beach Towel that was designed for PopSugar. It isn't my heaviest beach towel, but it isn't my lightest. And, you just can't go wrong with another option for the beach bag. Retail $40. 

The biggest boxed item was Middle Kingdom Mini Plum Vase in Coral Red. I like a bud vase, and this is nice and it's handy packaging for possible regifting. I like the touch of color, but not entirely sure that the vase fits with what I think of as a beachy theme for the box. Retail $20

I have been really appreciating tiny necklaces this year and I have a few, but each  is different. So, I was pleased with Kitsch Tri'd & Tru Y'shaped Necklace. I like the tiny choker, but with the charm to add just a little more dimension. Retail $32.

A box wouldn't be a lifestyle box without some beauty items, right? So ... included was Sage & Row Bare Shave Cream. Yes, I get that it's summertime again and I have to shave more often. This is a nice moisturizing shave cream. I like the tube because it just seems easier to pack. Retail $17

Batiste Dry Shampoo was also included. I guess I should hop on the bandwagon. Last year I received some dry shampoo, but I just haven't gotten around to trying it out. Somehow it just seems wrong to me. I feel the need to rinse and just don't know how it gets the hair clean. Anyway, retail $4.

Final Verdict. I like the box, but I don't love the box. It had some neat interesting things, but I'm not wow'ed this month. I can't complain. Retail value was $114, so the value is there and I have nothing to complain about. Maybe my lack of mood for writing is also translating into my lack of excitement.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Run this Mother 5K 2015

MacMama likes to find a good 5K to walk about every weekend. So, we were talking about events and she mentioned Run this Mother 5K on Mother's Day. I thought it sounded like a good idea, but I did have some trepidation because my last trail run at Eisenhower Park was lots of boulders and roots and I'm clumsy. I mentioned it to PowerBroker and she decided to do it also. None of us pre-registered. Sunday morning I picked up PowerBroker and Speedy Son and we headed to the park to register. We arrived early and they were still setting everything up, which was a surprise. We found the registration desk and signed up. Cash only. And women only, so Speedy Son couldn't actually run the race. We were given our shirts and we did a little shopping.

MacMama arrived and we hung out at the start line for awhile. It was nice to have vendors to keep us occupied, and it is a really pretty park. I was happy to have the chance to finally wear my INKnBURN Lace. For some reason, it felt right for a women's event. I have been recovering from the hip issues, so I wasn't sure how much I would run or walk. I knew MacMama would be walking. PowerBroker said she would stick with me no matter what even though her pace is much much faster these days. Her story is hers, but I have to tell you just how incredibly strong she is.
The race just didn't "feel" like a "race" and seemed a little disorganized, but it's small and local and that's a good thing. Eventually we started our run. The course kept us on a paved trail. It was pretty narrow, so a bit crowded at the beginning. But there were women of all sizes and paces so it eventually thinned out. The course took us up a nice hill and around a loop. We passed a water station and the 1-mile marker. I don't know why when we were coming back around the loop and down the hill that I thought that was 2 miles ... it wasn't. PowerBroker and I were on my run-walk-run pacing and MacMama was walking so we caught site of her on the out-n-back section. She looked happy. I felt hot. PowerBroker always pushes me just a little. She holds back for me and I try harder for her. We make a good match. When we got back to near the start ... we turned right instead of left ... away from the finish line. There was another section that looped up and around and back to the finish.

I admit ... it feels silly to me getting a flower at the finish line. But, maybe that's because I don't get flowers for Mother's Day. It was pretty we also got a medal. I won't complain. We found Speedy Son. He started the run before the official run with the plan to run the 5K. He got lost and ran about 5 miles. Still, beat us back.
We hung around and took a few fun pictures. Of course, our victory finish pic had to be done. We picked up the jewelry we bought and headed to the car. 

MacMama was shortly behind us, so we got to get in one final picture of our finish. All in all, it was a good day. The race was small, local, relaxed. Sure, I would do it again. Even with the mile 1 hill. 
Victorious ... sort of
 I always jump for joy in INKnBURN

I have to take pictures of flowers when they look this pretty
There were some complaints about the course being measured short. I am not going to complain, it makes my finishing time look all that much better.