I have been known to waste time on the Internet. . . a lot. It's what I do at night when I can't sleep. And, I've been sucked in by all these "who are you" quizzes. So . . .here is the answers to this burning question that must be answered at 3 AM (instead of the useful sleep I should be getting). But, I have to admit, I think they are pretty accurate. However, I bet they say about the same thing about everyone else. How can some quiz tell my personality by 5-10 simple questions about my favorite color, food, vacation spot, etc.?
80-s New Age Band--Talking Heads: You're clever and quirky, and a bit out of step with the world around you. You tend to be rather cerebral and introverted, but that doesn't keep yo ufrom letting your guard down and having a good time now and then. I'll take it. I like Talking Heads . . .Psycho Killer Qu'est-ce que'c'est
Berry |
Calling |
Classic Novel |
Disney Villian |
Dominant Personality Trait |
Element |
Middle Earth Character--Ent: You are very chill. The absolute chillest. (I am not chill) You're contemplative, level-headed, and you'd rather not keep up with the fast pace of the modern world. You value your alone time, and it's not that you're antisocial per se, it's just that you prefer the company of trees (or dogs) over people. |
Eye color I should have--HUH??? I don't even know what this means. I thought my eye color came from genetics. |
My Gift |
What people Hate about me |
Dog Breed--Great Dane: You're so humble (not really) that you don't notice how much you stand out in a crowded room. You are extremely smart but are still approachable due to your warm demeanor (but another quiz called me "cold"). You'd probably make a great pediatrician (maybe if I liked children) or duchess of Cambridge (HUH???) |
My Happy Word |
High School Stereotype: Yes, I was a Geek and they let me know it |
Big Bang Theory Character: I accept the compliment |
What my eyes say about me: HUH??? One question was eye color, the rest was irrelevant. OK . . .whatever. |
X-Men Character |