So, anyone who has known me ... at all ... in the past 2 years, knows I'm a major fan of INKnBURN. There are a ton of reasons I really love this company. They are a small business that almost feels like family. They treat every customer as if they are special (unless I really am special, but I think it's everyone). All clothing is hand designed out of the imagination of the artists who are allowed to create freely and supported. All clothing is hand cut, sublimated, and sewn in a small shop in California. In order to maintain their uniqueness in designs, but to continue to be able to create, the business model changed in 2015. Instead of simply pumping out more and more of the same thing, they began designing smaller batches. Once an item/design sells out, that's it. In the social media world, it has created quite a frenzy and on a Facebook page I moderate, we all have serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and we talk about it. Sometimes, I think you can hear squealing and jumping up and down across the world when a new design is released. Then, a thousand people (men as well as women) jump on the computer and place a frenzied order.
2016 brought another change. In order to continue creating more and more art on apparel, they started a Club INKnBURN. So, you know, I love monthly subscription boxes. This club offering came with an initial welcome box and every month, there is a club item that members are allowed the opportunity to purchase. Could I resist? Not on your life. The memberships sold out earlier than expected and I was quite relieved that I didn't wait to purchase. No FOMO for me.
I visited the warehouse in mid-January. Can I pulease see what's in the box? No tour of the factory because special things were going on in the back. No peeking. PULEASE!!!!!!! No sneak peak for you!!! It must be exciting. used it first when she identified a particular shirt as her "unicorn" and asked if she could use that term. My friend, Goldilocks, sent me a mystery package one day out of the blue with an item I had wanted. She was my fairy of unicorns ... unicorn fairy was born.
INKnBURN delivers in black bags and this box was a black bag on steroids. Yes, it was the box I was looking for. I opened it up immediately, OK ... tore into it. The contents were wrapped in black tissue with a hand-written card with my name on it on top. Here is what the card said. It made me feel like one of a lucky, special, few.
So, into the box I dove.
I am not disappointed to see a few logo INKnBURN stickers. I can find a fun place to put them. They won't go on my triathlon bucket because I don't want them to get lost in the gamush of other stickers.A few years ago, INKnBURN made hand-held water bottle holders that matched/coordinated with their classic designs. I missed out on them. But, I do carry my water with me because I can't stand the hip bottles and bladders make me sweaty and feel heavy. So, was I happy? Absolutelyfreakinglutely. It wraps nicely around the logo'd bottle and has a handy little storage pocket. I absolutely love love love the artwork. The mantras that represent INKnBURN and who they are and what they represent. The colors are vibrant and go with absolutely everything. I love that even when they change designs, they maintain the same color palette, so reds match and blues match and on and on ...
And, this next item was something new. I've never seen this before from INKnBURN. But, they did promise new and different. This small duffel bag that looks like a wooden log. Strength and Whimsy. Handy and convenient. I have big gym bags that are sometimes bigger than I need. This is perfect for those days when I just need a quick coverup and flipflops to get to the car. And, it's different than all the other bags out there.

We knew there would be a technical t-shirt in the box since the boxes were ordered according to size. I hoped there would be a Tech tube as well. What's a tech tube? It is a tube. Can be used as a scarf, a headband, a cap, a balaclava, etc. Lots of handy uses. And, I've already said how much I love the art/design they chose. I laughed so hard when I saw NO FOMO. Because I definitely would have had serious FOMO if I had missed out. Someone at INKnBURN loves skulls, which may be why they "speak" to me so much. I have been a long-term skully girl. Yes, I'm conservative, but I like to have my dark side. In addition to NO FOMO and the other mantras of INKnBURN, there is a subtle skull design in the layout of the colors. Super cool. Attention to detail.
Then, at the bottom or the box, a false bottom, sort of. A little black bag.

What the what? A surprise gift!!! I do believe this is the shirt I have been looking for.
So, all told, the value of this box well exceeded the ticket price. I am glad I didn't hesitate. I have yet to be disappointed by an INKnBURN mystery. And I will jump even faster with the next one. And yep, most of this is in my suitcase for Italy.
And, if you want to see how I really feel ... and how the rest of the INKnBURNers (I made up that term, do you like it?) feel about the box? Well, the Musician has an idea ...